Easy Meditation Techniques to Calm Your Mind and Body

Meditation means focusing solely on your body’s sensations, be it warmth, pain, or relaxation.

Start by breathing deeply with full focus, counting every breath in and out, with any body posture you like.

When our mind gets focused on the body's natural functioning, it automatically starts to relax, reducing the stress.

You don't need a special set up to meditate. Just close your eyes and focus on the movement of your body.

It's okay if your mind wanders, just keep trying to focus back on breathing. A good meditation takes time and practice.

Keep repeating a mantra you like. It can be self made or taken from spiritual writings.

If you’re meditating around nature, try the walking version too. Focus on just the movements of legs, not the surrounding.

Trying different postures and methods will help you in keeping fit, mentally and physically.