5 Things you must do for Natural Hair Growth

Scalp massage

Regular scalp massage increases the hair growth and makes it grow thicker. You can use olive oil, aloe vera extracts, or Vitamin E capsule oil, and apply it at least once a week.

Right shampoo

Choosing the right shampoo is the most important thing in a hair care routine. Not every shampoo is going to suit you as the factors depend on your hair and skin type.

Healthy diet

Hair growth is not all about applying things. You must have a healthy diet which strengthens the hair growth internally too.

Regular trimming

Regular trimming helps in cutting off the split ends which are the reason for hair breakage. You don't need to cut off a lot of hair, just a small trimming is enough.


That's right! Having a lot of stress also affects the hair growth leading to excessive hair fall. So, try to take a chill pill, and avoid taking stress over things which aren't in your control.