Here’s how Bollywood is shaping the fitness industry nowadays!

Role Model

People usually make their favorite star as their role model and start following their routine to connect with them in a certain way. That's why when their favorite star adopts a fitness routine, it urges them to do the same.

Beauty standards

A person's beauty is judged by the standards set by the entertainment industry. A girl should be fit with feminine softness, while the guy should have a broad chest with a muscular body.

Impact on west

Nowadays western countries are falling in love with bollywood more and more. Thus, they have started to adopt certain habits like yoga and Indian healthy diets.

Increasing gyms

Due to the increasing trend of fitness among youngsters, many people are opening gyms as their business and hiring coaches, while some coaches are the owners themselves.

Brand Ambassadors

Companies are making people's top favorite celebrities as their health product's brand ambassador to attract the audience as much as possible.

Home Gyms

Some of the bollywood stars have their own gyms at home, so the fitness freak audience goes crazy and aspires to make one at their homes.

Race of trends

Trends have always been a part of our lives, but in the age of social media, it has impacted the fitness industry a lot. A person feels left behind if he/she doesn't cope up with it which leads to low self esteem.